Board of Trustees

The Perry Cook Memorial Public Library is a School District Library (O.R.C. 3375.14) serving the Northmor Local School District, which in turn acts as the taxing authority for the library.

Trustees are appointed to public library boards to formulate policy, administer funds, and govern library service to the community. Trustees work for the betterment of the library system.

The governing body of Perry Cook Memorial Public Library is a seven member Board of Trustees, appointed on a rotating basis for seven year terms.  The Board of Trustees is composed of citizens from the Johnsville and Iberia communities and are appointed under the authority of the Northmor Local School District Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees approves the library budget and assumes responsibility for presenting the fiscal needs of the library system to funding agencies.  It establishes policies for library services and programs, sets policies for receipt of gifts of money and property, and plans for long-range library development.  The Board of Trustees employs the Library Director and the Fiscal Officer and evaluates the performance of both.  Authority for technical administration and supervision of the library is vested in the Library Director.

The Library Board of Trustees meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the library community room.  These meetings are open to the public.


Mary Roush, President

Mary L. Jobe,  Vice-President

Anna Fraizer, Recording Secretary

Julie Rhea

Paul Sipes

Michelle Fidler




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